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Donate to Bergen's Promise

photo collage of kids given backpacks and kids meeting Santa

Your Donation Matters

Each donation you make provides ongoing support to Bergen’s Promise families:

  • Your monetary donation can help fund local resource development to address resource or service gaps related to the youth we serve.   

  • Your monetary donation can be dedicated to unmet dental, vision or medical needs for some of our youth.

  • You can also donate to seasonal drives for school supplies, holiday meals, holiday toys, and other basic needs.  Learn ways to contribute to our seasonal drives by contacting

    *Bergen’s Promise does not take donations or sponsorships into account when awarding contracts or when referring clients.

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young girl wearing glasses

Help Support Unmet Dental, Vision or Medical Needs of Youth with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities

Dental or vision issues commonly go undiagnosed in children with intellectual/developmental disabilities. This is due to a variety of barriers such as high cost, describing their problems, sensory overload, or access to a sensory friendly medical professional. Please consider donating towards this fund to help families with these needs that may include office visits, diagnostic testing, glasses, dental appliances, and more.

Here's an example of this fund in action!... Karina is a 9-year-old girl diagnosed with Kabuki syndrome, a rare disorder which often includes intellectual disability. The disorder impacts multiple parts of her body and includes symptoms like eye problems. She wore glasses in the past and had lost them. Her school teacher and school nurse encouraged her family to get an eye exam for Karina.

However, due to Karina's diagnosis, she struggled to tolerate medical procedures and tests. Through an anonymous donation, this youth was able to afford a specialized eye exam and new glasses. The family was very happy to receive this assistance. Karina's mother expresed her gratitude, "Thanks so much for helping out with this. Karina is really happy with the glasses. God bless everyone!"

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The entire Bergen's Promise staff at a company picnic

Special Thanks to Community Partners for Their Support in 2024