Success Stories

Videos Celebrating Hope and Progress

Dealing with challenging circumstances and making changes to overcome them is not easy; however, with the right type of support it can be possible. We are proud of the families we work with as they take courageous steps to reach their goals. Perhaps you may see a glimmer of yourself, your child or your family in these stories that you can relate to and find a sense of hope and encouragement. The stories provided below are true, however, personal identifying information may be changed to protect the confidentiality and privacy of our families.

Want to share your own success stories on this page? We always want to hear from our families! Email to tell YOUR story!

Ryley: Youth Testimonial

Alexander's Positive Story

Nadja & Stalin

Value of Parent Buy-In


Ian's Story

A Video Made by a Youth

Marcus's Story

Sadie & Destiny

Jennifer's Story

Andrew's Wellness Story

Charlie's Story- Graduate Follow-up

Chilli's Story

Dylan's Story

Michael's Story- Graduate Follow-up

Kara's Story

Valerie's Story

Kendra's Story