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Bergen's Promise extends CARF Accreditation

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Bergen’s Promise is pleased to announce that we have been issued a THREE YEAR CARF ACCREDITATION extension!This current accreditation will extend through January 31, 2023. According to CARF “we should take pride in achieving this high level of accreditation”. The accreditation is intended to support a continuation of the quality improvement of our organization’s services.

There were many staff members who contributed to this outcome through Committee work and other activities. This represents how we function together as an agency every day to serve the mission of keeping “Health Families, Safe at Home”. The Community at large, and the Children and Families we serve are better because of what we provide.

Some of the highlights of this accreditation process included:

  1. Children and families served by Bergen’s Promise report a high degree of satisfaction with services provided and report that the services provided have resulted in meaningful life changes.
  2. The orientation materials provided to the persons served are thorough and effectively orient the child and family to wraparound and health-home services.
  3. The leadership and management of Bergen’s Promise have established a culture that encourages personal growth and development.