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Virtual Connections Matter workshop for DCF community partners (Bergen's Promise for Mental Health Month)

Monday, May 10, 2021

Virtual Connections Matter workshop for DCF community partners (Bergen's Promise for Mental Health Month)

Tuesday, May 18, 2021
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Connections Matter is a program funded by NJ Department of Children and Families (DCF) and led by Prevent Child Abuse New Jersey. Connections Matter is a training designed to engage community members in building caring connections to improve resiliency. The focus is to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences and trauma as well as demonstrate how caring connections serve as a primary buffer in the negative effects of trauma.

By attending this training, you are now part of a growing network of advocates sharing the message that the caring relationships we build with children, families, and adults in our lives matters to developing healthy brains and thriving communities. By working together, we can engage all community members in strengthening families from the start, giving children and adults with a history of trauma an opportunity to heal, and ensuring the well-being of every individual.

This training is designed to be experiential and interactive – Attendees will be encouraged to talk with one another quite a bit. It may seem obvious at first – Connections Matter of course! – but as we go through the curriculum you will be asked to explore some of the concepts that we will discuss and how they impact your work with children and families.

Registration Link

The training objectives are:

  1. Develop and deliver a consistent and compelling public message about the importance of positive relationships in responding to trauma that stakeholders can use to encourage caring connections
  2. Educate community members about the importance of caring connections to developing healthy brains, supportive relationships and thriving communities.
  3. Engage community members in building caring connections.

The curriculum was developed by Prevent Child Abuse Iowa and Dr. Linda Chamberlain, an advocate of health issues related to ACES, brain development and trauma. It has been replicated in several other states.

For more information, contact Kathryn Werheim,Director of Community Resources at Bergen's Promise: KWerheim@bergenspromise.org